PRIVATE HUB is the institution's personal account, which includes full management of not only the institution's page, but also all the services provided.

You can independently customize each section of the service and edit it at any time for your current situation. Add a description of your establishment and its photos, indicate opening hours and address, indicate keywords specific to your establishment by the type of establishment, by the cuisine presented in your establishment, indicate your average bill.

In addition, you can specify the number of halls in your establishment and the number of tables in it. Add photos of floor plans so that your guests can easily navigate your establishment and choose the right tables for themselves.

In real time, you can display the availability of free tables, so that your guests can see the entire situation with free seats in your establishment "here and now" and make an instant decision, without unnecessary movements and calls!

Tell us about the additional services that your institution provides. In the MENU tab, you can add as many sections as you need, name them by yourself, create section descriptions, add all your dishes, with photos and detailed descriptions, indicate the cost of dishes, their caloric content, mark important details regarding each dish with special icons, indicate the cooking time of each dish, its cost and even a discount, if any! And if necessary, you can add any dish to the "stop list", because we know how important it is.

All in all, your menu on the site and in the MEALHUB app can look like a guest is holding your menu right now in his hands.

On the website and in the MEALHUB.CATERINGS app, we have created the PRIVATE HUB service so that you can use it without any restrictions!

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